We make and sell Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP

Buy our Parmigiano Reggiano DOP and other traditional Parma products online!
Enjoy the freshest and most authentic flavours in a single click, or come visit us at our shop to buy direct.

Società Agricola Saliceto

More than just a cheesemaker

The cheese industry is divided into two main categories: dairy farms and cheese manufacturers.

We are proud to fall somewhere in the middle: the milk used to make our Parmigiano-Reggiano (produced according to the "Saliceto recipe") comes directly from our cows, raised on the slopes of the Apennines just a few kilometres from the cheese factory, where they can truly live off the land.

We are therefore able to combine our traditional cheesemaking methods and expertise with our passion and respect for the local area, creating a unique and authentic taste.

Our Supply Chain: from territory to table

There’s more fun doing it at high altitude... cheese! And our Mountain Parmigiano Reggiano  is the proof: produced with raw materials from the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and made in the green mountain valleys, it is rich in Omega 3, protein and low salt. I mean, he’s the cheese king even at high altitude.
Try to believe it!

Animal welfare, quality
for you

Our secret ingredient? The welfare of our cows!
To help them produce the highest quality milk, we pamper our cows with cutting-edge tools and facilities, feed them with selected hay and feed and give them plenty of space to graze freely, to produce healthier milk: thus, their well-being is also yours!

Parmigiano Reggiano

How to produce a quality Parmigiano Reggiano PDO? With quality raw materials!
At the Agricultural Society Saliceto, we not only produce and sell cheese, but we also breed cows whose milk is used for our products and cultivate the lands that feed them. To have the highest quality in every production phase!

The most natural and healthy Parmesan there is

Let’s not just say it, we have the certificate!
We are certified LULL "Living United by the Love of Livestock", a guarantee that we do not use antibiotics in cows throughout the lactation phase, the health of our animals and the quality of our Parmigiano Reggiano. The first in Italy to reach this standard for companies and products!

Let's keep in touch!

We believe that good food is worth sharing, and we love to share our passion for traditional local products.
So if you want to receive recipes, news and facts about the King of Cheeses, leave us your email address!
We will guard your data as closely as we guard the secret of our traditional Parmesan!

The Blog of Taste

September 16, 2019

Pumpkin Soup and Parmigiano Reggiano

Preserve the Parmigiano Reggiano crust and cut it into pieces, then grate the cheese. Melt the butter in a large pan, cook the onion gently for about three minutes until it is soft, but not browned. Add the pumpkin, vegetable stock and Parmesan crust. Bring to a light boil ...
September 16, 2019

Saffron Parmesan Puddings

Beat the eggs and add the Parmigiano Reggiano, milk, cream, salt and, if desired, pepper. Mix well with a whisk, so as to avoid the formation of lumps, and pour the mixture into small, previously buttered aluminum molds. Place on a baking sheet covering with plastic wrap and cook ...

Come to visit us!

You can find our Dairy and our Point of Sale in Via Arturo Toscanini, 3 | 43037 - Mulazzano Ponte, Lesignano dé Bagni (PR).

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